The WebSocket protocol supports read and write of developer-defined game state values.

A client can store state that all users can retrieve on the Muxy servers.

All users can retrieve state values, and users with the "broadcaster" or "admin" role can set values. State update operations should be limited to once every two seconds at most.

Storing State on the Server

States are stored as JSON-encoded objects containing developer-defined key-value pairs.

  • You can replace the entire state data object using the set action.
  • You can use json-patch commands to update parts of your data object, using the update action.

The target field for all state operations must be channel.

This method of storing state corresponds with Channel State in the Muxy MEDKit SDK. The state is unique per broadcaster channel. To store state with other scopes, use the Muxy MEDKit SDK.

Replacing state data


The set operation replaces any existing state that already exists.

    "action": "set", 
    "params": { 
        "request_id": 234,
        "target": "channel"
    "data": {
        "state": { <your-data-blob> }

Note that you can only set state to be a JSON object. Primitives (numbers, strings, booleans) and arrays as root state objects are rejected.

Setting state in this way does not trigger a broadcast.


On success, the server respond with a simple confirmation.

  "meta": {
    "request_id": 234,
    "action": "set",
    "timestamp": 1583777221501

  "data": {
    "ok": true,
    "state": { data-blob }

Note that the data-blob received here can be different than what you sent in the original request if there are intervening set or update operations.

Updating state data

To patch state, use the update action, and send an array of patch objects in the "state" field of the "data" object.

    "action": "update", 
    "params": { 
        "request_id": 235,
        "target": "channel"
    "data": {
        "state": [
            "op": "replace", 
            "path": "/game_state/player/character/name", 
            "value": "Guybrush Threepwood" 

Retrieving State

All users can retrieve state from either the channel-wide state store or the extension-specific state store.


To retrieve previously set state, use the get action.
You can specify the target as channel or extension, to retrieve either Channel State (as previously set using the set or update actions), or Extension State, which can only be set through the MEDKit SDK.

    "action": "get", 
    "params": { 
        "request_id": 145,
        "target": "channel"


The response to a get request is the same as the response to a set response, except that the action field is get.

  "meta": {
    "request_id": 145,
    "action": "get",
    "timestamp": 1583777221501

  "data": {
    "ok": true,
    "state": { data-blob }

The retrieval response has no data body or an empty data body.

Subscribing to State Events

Use the subscribe action with a target of state to listen for state-update event notifications.
Use the topic_id field in data to identify the state store of interest, either channel or extension.

  "action": "subscribe", 
  "params": { 
    "request_id": 11, 
    "target": "state" 
  "data" : {
    "topic_id": "channel"

State event notifications

State-update notification messages specify the update action and the target channel or extension.
The data state field contains the latest JSON-blob value of the targeted state store.

  "meta": {

  "data": {
    "topic_id": "channel",
    "state": {
      "game_state": {
        "player": {
          "character": {
            "name": "Guybrush Threepwood"