Install the Muxy Plugin for Unreal Engine

If you have an existing game that you have developed using Unreal Engine, you can add a Muxy-powered experience using the GameLink Unreal Plugin for Unreal Engine 4.25.

Install the Plugin

  1. Download the Muxy plugin from
  2. Copy the parent directory, MuxyUnrealPlugin, into a Plugins folder at the root of your Unreal Engine 4.25 project.
    (Create the folder if necessary.)

Extract the plugin zip file to your project's Plugins folder

  1. If the editor is running, restart it to update the contents fo the Plugins directory.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit > Plugins menu to see MuxyUnrealPlugin in the
    Other category.

  3. Check Enable.


Enable the Muxy Unreal Plugin

Next Steps

The Muxy UnReal Plugin exposes a set of static blueprint functions and a singleton object, MuxyEventSource, with methods for reacting to authorization, polling, and transaction events.

Before your game can use Muxy functionality, you must allow the broadcaster to log in to the Muxy server, so that you can initialize the plugin by authenticating the user for each login session.

Use the provided blueprints and methods to integrate Muxy functionality into your Unreal Engine game: